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6 Reasons to File a Wrongful Termination Claim in California

Wrongful Termination

Being wrongfully terminated from your job can be a devastating experience, leaving you feeling powerless and unsure of your next steps. However, if you believe you were unjustly fired, knowing that you have legal rights and options available to seek justice is essential. In California, employees are protected by strong labor laws that prohibit employers from terminating employees for discriminatory or retaliatory reasons.

1. Protection Against Discrimination

Discrimination is one of the most common reasons for wrongful termination claims in California. State and federal laws prohibit employers from firing employees based on their race, gender, age, religion, disability, or other protected characteristics. If you believe you were fired because of these factors, you may have a strong case for a wrongful termination claim.

2. Retaliation

Another common reason for wrongful termination claims is retaliation. Employers are prohibited from firing employees in retaliation for exercising their legal rights, such as reporting harassment or discrimination, taking medical leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), or participating in union activities. It could be considered retaliation if you were terminated shortly after engaging in any of these activities.

3. Breach of Contract

If your employment contract specified the terms of your employment, including grounds for termination, and your employer violated those terms by firing you without cause or proper notice, you may have a valid claim for breach of contract. It is important to review your employment agreement carefully and consult with an experienced employment law attorney to determine if your rights were violated.

4. Whistleblower Protection

California has robust whistleblower protection laws that safeguard employees who report illegal activities or safety violations in the workplace. If you were fired for blowing the whistle on wrongdoing within your company, you may be entitled to file a wrongful termination claim and seek compensation for lost wages and damages.

5. Unpaid Wages or Benefits

If your employer fails to pay you all wages owed upon termination or denies you benefits such as accrued vacation time or sick leave pay, you may have grounds for a wrongful termination claim based on wage and hour violations. California law requires employers to promptly provide terminated employees with their final paycheck and compensate them for any earned but unused benefits.

6. Emotional Distress and Damages

Wrongful termination can take a toll on your emotional well-being and financial stability. If you have suffered emotional distress as a result of being wrongfully terminated – such as anxiety, depression, or humiliation – you may be entitled to compensation for these damages in addition to lost wages and benefits.

Wrongful Termination Attorneys in Pasadena, California

If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, it is essential to take action promptly to protect your rights and seek justice. At Domb Rauchwerger LLP, our experienced employment law attorneys are dedicated to helping employees in Pasadena, CA, navigate the complexities of wrongful termination claims. Contact us today at (213) 772-5882 for a consultation to discuss your case and explore your legal options. Let us help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

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